Generating ENSO-informed Climate Simulations
“Prediction of instantaneous weather patterns at sufficiently long range is impossible.” This statement from Edward Lorenz remains as true today as when it was first written by the chaos theory founder in 1982, with current numerical weather prediction (NWP) model skill rapidly decreasing to zero over the course of a couple of weeks (Figure 1, also see Zhang 2018).
Although attempts to make deterministic predictions of localized and instantaneous weather devolve into chaos within a two week forecast horizon, it is possible to meaningfully predict large-scale atmospheric phenomena on seasonal time scales (several months to a year). These model predictions, however, need to be carefully processed before use–as the ECMWF states, “use of the raw numerical forecast products without interpretation is not recommended” (ECMWF 2021).
In this blog post, we (1) discuss one of the most impactful large-scale climate phenomenon (the El Niño - Southern Oscillation), (2) describe how Sunairio performs statistical processing and model assimilation to incorporate the latest El Niño intelligence into our climate simulations, and (3) evaluate how the resulting ENSO-informed climate simulations compare to both historical patterns and NOAA’s seasonal-timescale Climate Forecast System (CFS).
El Niño - Southern Oscillation
The El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle refers to periodic changes in sea level air pressure and sea surface temperature (SST) in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is typically measured by the mean sea surface temperature anomaly of the “Niño 3.4” region shown in Figure 2, left panel (known as the Niño 3.4 index).
In the United States, especially high Niño 3.4 values (an “El Niño event”) are associated with warmer and drier winter weather in the northern US as well as cooler and wetter winter weather in the southern US (Figure 2, right panel, Halpert 2014). On the other hand, especially low Niño 3.4 values (a “La Niña event”) are associated with cooler and wetter winter weather in the northern US as well as warmer and drier weather in the southern US.
Figure 2: Regions of ENSO sea surface temperature indices (left) and the typical weather pattern expected in winter due to an El Nino event (right) (Source NOAA)
As the ENSO cycle is the “strongest interannual signal in the global climate system” (Tang 2018), it is heavily studied and forecasted, with current models showing positive predictive skill 6-12 months out (Barnston 2012). Figure 3 shows historical values of the Niño 3.4 index (left) and predictions from the CFS (right).
Figure 3: Historical Nino 3.4 region sea surface temperature anomaly (left) and current forecast of Nino 3.4 SST anomalies from the NOAA CFS (right)
Creating ENSO-aware Sunairio Simulations
Surveying the predictive power of current weather science, we find that high-resolution NWP models are predictive for at most 15 days, medium-resolution predictions of the ENSO cycle are predictive for 6-12 months, and low-resolution models of long-term climate trends can be predictive for longer time periods.
Sunairio’s climate simulations aim to therefore combine the best-available intelligence at each time horizon: long-term climate trends from the latest climate models (CMIP6), medium-term ENSO predictions from NOAA, and simulated hourly anomalies from Sunairio’s proprietary stochastic simulation generator.
- Sunairio simulates 1,000 probabilistic hourly climate-trend aware weather paths from 15 days to 15 years (picking up where the NWP models lose skill) as correlated anomalies from climatological means that reflect historical weather patterns and adjust for CMIP6 climate trends.
- Sunairio generates 1,000 probabilistic ENSO paths over a 12-month time horizon by extrapolating a range of outcomes from the latest 40 CFS model runs (4 runs per day times 10 days) (Figure 5, left panel).
- Sunairio derives, from historical data, the correlation and effect of Niño 3.4 Index values on local weather variables throughout the year (Figure 5, middle panel).
- Sunairio links hourly weather simulations (1) with ENSO paths (2)–and adjusts the simulated weather according to the corresponding Niño 3.4 index effect (3)(Figure 5, right panel).
Inspecting the January 2025 ENSO-informed Sunairio climate simulations in Figure 5, for example, we find that the median ENSO forecast is approximately -1σ (left panel), that the corresponding ENSO temperature effect at DFW is approximately +0.5oC (middle panel), and that the ENSO adjusted Sunairio simulations at DFW are indeed approximately +0.5oC warmer than January 2025 climatology (right panel).
Do Sunairio’s ENSO-adjusted Weather Simulations Reproduce Expected ENSO Effects Across Multiple Geographies and Weather Variables?
In this section, we verify that Sunairio simulations appropriately reproduce the historical relationship between the Niño 3.4 index over CONUS for major weather variables (2m temperature, 100m wind speed, and irradiance).
At 191 weather stations across the contiguous United States, we performed a backtest in which we simulated local hourly weather adjusted with historical Niño 3.4 Index values between the years 1997-2022.
Dividing calendar years into seasons (Dec - Feb, Mar - May, Jun - Aug, and Sep - Nov), we then calculated the impact of a +1σ Niño 3.4 value with monthly simulated weather averages at each site (Figure 7, right)–and compared these patterns to the historical (1950-2023) relationship between Niño 3.4 deviations and monthly weather averages (Figure 6, left). As we can see in Figure 6, Sunairio simulations accurately reproduce the historical ENSO relationship. (Click the weather variable headings to select different plots.)
Figure 6: Historical (left) and simulated (right) relationships between weather variables and Niño 3.4 index values. A positive +1σ Niño 3.4 index in winter, for example, tends to cause a 1 oC increase in monthly 2m temperature in Minnesota. Sunairio simulations faithfully reproduce historical relationships.
Predictive ENSO Signal + Stochastic Climate Simulation = High-fidelity Seasonal Forecast
As Sunairio simulations combine skillful ENSO predictions with high-fidelity climate simulations, medium-term Sunairio simulations are actually more predictive of future local weather than the CFS.
We validated this result by comparing historical monthly mean temperature measurements at the same 191 weather stations to both CFS predicted means and Sunairio simulated means. We found Sunairio simulations to be more predictive than CFS counterparts at 60% of the weather stations with an average skill score improvement of 2.1%.
Incorporating high-fidelity climate modeling, in other words, makes Sunairio simulation averages more predictive than the CFS.
Reviewing the sections above, we find that:
- The El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle is strongly correlated with global weather patterns.
- While deterministic models cannot predict instantaneous weather beyond a 15-day time frame, the Niño 3.4 Index can be forecast with some skill over a seasonal (6-12 month) time frame.
- Sunairio incorporates the latest intelligence on climate trends (CMIP6) and Niño 3.4 (CFS) predictions into its weather simulations.
- Sunairio simulations accurately reproduce the historical relationship between ENSO and local weather.
- Sunairio simulations, by combining high-fidelity climate simulation with a predictive ENSO signal, are more predictive of weather means than seasonal weather models.
Finally, we note two additional advantages of high-resolution Sunairio simulations over the CFS. First, Sunairio simulations can be generated at arbitrary locations, while CFS predictions must be interpolated from a 56km horizontal-resolution grid. Second, while seasonal forecast models like the CFS only offer one possible view of future weather in the medium term, Sunairio simulations offer 1000 paths of future weather for the next 15 years. As such, Sunairio weather simulations can be used to derive probabilistic risk distributions for commercial applications.
Barnston, Anthony G., Michael K. Tippett, Michelle L. L'Heureux, Shuhua Li, and David G. DeWitt. "Skill of Real-Time Seasonal ENSO Model Predictions during 2002–11: Is Our Capability Increasing?". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93.5 (2012): 631-651.
ECMWF. “ECMWF System 4 user guide.” 1.1 (2011): 1-41.
ECMWF “SEAS5 user guide.” 1.2 (2021): 1-44.
Halpert, M. “United States El Niño Impacts.” NOAA (2014).
Lorenz, Edward N. "Atmospheric predictability experiments with a large numerical model." Tellus 34.6 (1982): 505-513.
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