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Modeling reliability in the energy transition

July 29, 2022

Summer 2022: Another day, another headline warning about potential blackouts caused by extreme weather. It’s no surprise, given the unprecedented weather we’re experiencing, the increasing demand due to electrification of homes and cars, and the ever-greater reliance of our grid on intermittent weather resources like the wind and sun. 

These trends pose one of the most difficult problems that electric utilities and grid operators have ever faced: how can they guarantee electrical reliability, 24-hours a day, 365-days a year, as they transition away from controllable sources of power and towards renewables? Moreover, how can they do that when our future climate is nothing like our historical climate? What weather analogues can they look to? What stress-tests can they use to confidently ensure reliability standards? That’s where Sunairio comes in.

At Sunairio, we’ve developed a machine-learning powered weather simulation technology that quantifies the likelihood of extreme events, average events, and everything in between–at probability levels that are orders of magnitude more refined than what’s possible from traditional approaches. 

In addition to being a paradigm shift away from cumbersome and slow physics-based weather models, Sunairio is the first commercial weather analytics solution that’s expressly designed for renewable energy problems. Sunairio’s simulations can be generated for any group of points on Earth, properly correlating multiple weather elements (temperature, wind speed, cloud cover, etc.) at high temporal resolution and long scales–enabling grid planners to accurately quantify the odds of having enough generation to simultaneously meet demand, for every hour of the year, for years into the future.

Don’t rely on an historical weather analysis to understand how the grid of the future will behave. Run thousands of simulations of future weather outcomes and future grid conditions with Sunairio’s technology. Get in touch today to find out more.

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